YogaMass is a form of embodied spirituality, a unique worship experience engaging all of our dimensions — physical, psychological, emotional, mental, energetic, social and spiritual. YogaMass reconnects us to the divine presence among us, within us, and in the sacred meal that we share as we seek to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. Integrating yoga’s breath work, body movements, and meditation into the sacred meal liturgy offers a uniquely participatory experience of wholeness and awakening into the mystical union with God in our bodies and souls.
Discover ancient traditions, teachings, and practices that support wholeness and spiritual well-being. Spirituality and faith are more than knowledge, they are to be experienced. Join in online and in person classes with like-minded people who are seeking to expand consciousness and live in mindful Christ Consciousness awareness of the presence of the Kingdom of God everywhere and within.
Meditation, contemplative prayer, and guided journeys deepen the experience of being fully human and fully spiritual, in these bodies, in this life. Join Reverend Gena and the YogaMass team for meditation during YogaMass and in meditation sessions and circles. See the calendar of events for upcoming meditation opportunities.