spirituality and healing for Our Time
A spiritual practice of ancient and modern healing techniques and holistic integration for empowerment and transformation.
Relax and Restore with Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra, an ancient guided yogic meditation, treats the whole self in many ways: allows deep internal stress relief, eases tension in mind/body, improves and restores healthy sleep patterns, balances the central nervous system, provides mental clarity, strengthens the immune system, empowers self-healing, improves mood and overall well-being, can create positive new thinking patterns, and can reduce self-limiting beliefs. I am an advanced certified Amrit Yoga Nidra facilitator in this beautiful ancient lineage.
Bathe in high frequency sounds
Sound healing is a form of Vibrational Medicine that can be traced back from modern times to many ancient civilizations, including Egypt. The human body and the entire earth are made of energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Sound healing supports the multi-dimensional aspects of the body, heart, mind and soul to move into harmonic resonance with the high vibrational frequencies of the 99.992% pure quartz alchemy crystal bowls that I play. I am certified as an Advanced Sound Healing Practitioner with Sound Universe International and am here to support you in moving into the higher frequencies of healing and awareness for your soul’s actualization into your higher purpose.
Energy Medicine addresses the whole self by working with the energy body which in turn informs the physical body and its underlying balance or dis-ease. Energy medicine supports chakra balancing and the clearing and release of physical, mental and emotional blockages, perceptions and belief systems held in the energetic and physical bodies. Spiritually, energy medicine helps one align to their higher purpose through soul retrieval, consciousness expansion and connection to the heavens while on earth. Soul retrieval specifically is a journey to discover the original wound we are carrying that has shaped our current perceptions, the soul contract we made in response, and the gifts we can embrace that empower us to live into our soul purpose. I am trained as an Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner through the Four Winds, with intensive focus on health, wholeness, spirituality and science of the Peruvian/Andean lineage.
I am here to help everyone evolve into your true purpose for being here and to live courageously and authentically. This is spiritual work, on the ground, so to speak. I lead workshops, sacred travel and pilgrimages, trainings for YogaMass leaders, introductory and advanced training for alchemy crystal bowl sound healing practitioners, and spiritual and meditation retreats. Annually, I lead a pilgrimage/retreat to a sacred place for renewal, connection, and growth. Life is an adventure. I hope you will join me!
Terahertz technology is the latest treatment from the world of advanced healing. THz wands were developed using a variety of technologies including quantum energy, quartz crystals embedded with minerals, and high terahertz frequencies. Prife International has patented the technology for these highest quality technology wands.
THz waves are a form of non-ionizing radiation and contain low photon energy, which makes the waves harmless to the body. The waves are absorbed by the body’s tissues and penetrate deep into the body, activating the innate self-healing potential of the body and regenerating inert cells.
BENEFITS: High frequency terahertz waves increase blood flow in cells and energize the body. Treatment using the iTeraCare Wand supports clearing and replenishing the energy body and chakras, unclogging vessels, clearing the lymphatic system, supporting detoxification, regulating internal organs and the immune system, and repairing damaged cells and tissues, including skin and wound repair.
For more information and to inquire for a healing treatment and/or wand purchase, please email me at Gena@GenaDavis.org.
“Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful gifts with us. I am still enjoying the benefits of the session...the feeling of being spiritually cleansed, healed, uplifted, energized and totally refreshed. Much better than a spa day & longer lasting too! I only wish this is something we could enjoy every month around full moon time. Many thanks again for the best 90 minutes I have experienced in a long time!” — Patti
“Gena's playing of the bowls is ethereal and sublime ... not of this world. It is an incantation of the dimensions of existence. One can never know this place that Gena brings one to, without that sound. The sound has a quality that is not of this world.” — Kim Pence, multi-dimensional healer