becoming an ALCHEMY CRYSTAL BOWL Sound healing practitioner WILL TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE.
My journey with alchemy crystal bowls began in 2017, the year I embarked on an amazing spiritual and healing journey for myself and others. Since then, I have trained in advanced alchemy crystal bowl sound healing with masters in this area. I trained with Ashana who helped me discover my voice with the bowls, for which I am deeply grateful, and I completed her mastery training. I also trained with the master Yantara Jiro of Sound Universe International in London, achieving his advanced level 3 training for sound baths and vibrational and quantum energy healing.
In 2020, I opened Crystal Bowl Gallery in Houston with my friend and business partner CJ Rubenak, offering the highest quality alchemy crystal bowls from Crystal Tones to bring the light and higher frequencies into the greater Houston area and beyond. These bowls are made of 99.992% pure quartz crystals infused with gems, crystals, minerals and metals that produce powerful tones and healing vibrations for healing and balancing body, heart, mind and soul. If you would like to learn to play them for yourself and others, please join in my trainings and discover their transformative power. Please also visit our gallery and kindly let us know how we can support you: CrystalBowlGallery.com.
Level 1 alchemy crystal bowl practitioner training with Gena
12:30 pm to 7 pm central, Serasana Wellness Center, Katy, TX
In this workshop, you will learn the principles and benefits of sound healing, the effects of sound healing on the physical and subtle bodies, techniques for playing the alchemy crystal bowls, how to care for the bowls, the use of intentions, and personal self-care for use with the bowls. You are encouraged to bring up to 3 bowls of your own if you have them, frosted or alchemy, and bowls from Crystal Bowl Gallery will also be available for you to play during the training.
This workshop is designed for wellness, yoga, energy and spiritual professionals who wish to learn about sound healing and integrate crystal singing bowls into their work and practices with clients and communities. Therapists, first responder and medical professionals who are seeking ways to destress, center and assist clients will learn how to use sound healing to improve your clients’ lives. For persons seeking self-care, self-healing and awakened consciousness, you will learn how sound healing and crystal bowls can accelerate and complement other healing modalities, and how to use them for your personal growth.
Level 2 alchemy crystal bowl practitioner training with gena
9 am - 4:30 pm
In this workshop, you will enhance your alchemy crystal bowl playing and sound healing techniques and learn about entrainment, developing and creating sound baths and setting intentions for groups and private sessions. For our safety, class size is limited to 6 persons, face masks encouraged. You are invited to bring up to 3 bowls of your own if you have them, frosted or alchemy.
This workshop is designed for wellness, yoga, energy and spiritual professionals who wish to learn about sound healing and integrate crystal singing bowls into their work and practices with clients and communities. Therapists, first responder and medical professionals who are seeking ways to destress, center and assist clients will learn how to use sound healing to improve your clients’ lives. For persons seeking self-care, self-healing and awakened consciousness, you will learn advanced techniques for using the bowls for your personal support.
view the alchemy crystal bowls of Crystal bowl gallery
These beautiful bowls are not only sound healing instruments, they also are works of art and medicine for the soul. CJ and I will love to assist you in finding your perfect bowl or bowl set.