gifts by gena for yourself and others for wholeness, healing and transformation
They say your first book is written for yourself. Looking back, that is somewhat true in my book, YogaMass: Embodying Christ Consciousness, and yet it was truly much more than that. It was a calling. The words poured out from me—through me—and onto the computer. This calling is my offering for the evolution of humanity to embrace what Jesus taught us, “the Kingdom of God is within you.” When we awaken to that truth, everything changes. I have since published my Yoga Prayer Cards, and more writings will be coming. I also have available audio recordings of live meditations and sound healing events that open one to deep healing and transformation. Thank you for engaging with my writings and recordings, and for your feedback over these past few years. Without your engagement with my offerings, my work would be left unfulfilled.
With gratitude,
Shop Gena Davis
“The Yoga Prayer Cards arrived today and all I can say is WOW! WOW! WOW! They are so much more than I expected. The quality is great and will be very durable, the information extensive, informative, inspiring, but not intimidating. I love that the 'prayer' part of the cards is in the definition of prayer as a relationship - with my body, my spirit, my mind, and the Creator of All.
Although 'Thank-you' seems inadequate to express my gratitude for the time, thought and wonderful organization that went into this gift, know that it comes from deep in my heart and is sent to yours with humility and joy.”
– Robin
“This book is for anyone seeking a deeper incarnational way of experiencing life. In the spirit of Benedictine Father Bede Griffiths and other Christians who have gone deeper in their understanding of the Holy Trinity and Indwelling Spirit by drawing contemplative wisdom from the ancient Vedas, Davis’ book offers pragmatic insight: Namely, the spiritual practice of breath focused yoga asana/postures so that, by humbly connecting one’s awareness to the breath and God’s Indwelling Spirit while on the mat, one is better able off the mat to more consciously live from God’s Presence dwelling so close as to be with and in us.”
– Catherine