priest, spiritual director, mind-body-spirit coach, SOUnd and energy healing

Live from your true essence.
Embrace healing and transformation.
Private sessions
Together we create a plan for transformation, healing and manifesting your desired life tailored to mind, body, emotional, energetic, and spiritual healing and wholeness.
Courses & EVENTS
Explore mind body spirit practices, Christ Consciousness, wisdom teachings, and the healing and wholeness journey in person and online.
Discover and activate your innate self-healing potential through yoga asanas, Yoga Nidra meditations, energy healing, alchemy crystal bowl sound healing, and quantum Terahertz healing. Create the shifts for living your best life.
body-heart-mind-soul integration
spiritual direction
spiritual Energy attunement
wholeness & spirituality
integrative wisdom
Explore your relationship with Divine Presence and walk your unique path. Faith and Spirituality help you find your center, discover your true essence, and live authentically in co-creation. You were born for this discovery and fulfillment.
integrative wholeness
If you desire wholeness in mind, body and spirit, addressing specific negative patterns and beliefs can activate a multi-dimensional healing effect within. I work with you to develop and engage spiritual practices to equip you for your healing journey.
We begin from the place where you are and move to where you want to be.
Creating a CUSTOMIZED plan perfect for you
Through my personalized coaching, body/heart/mind/soul integration, heaven and earth re-connection, energy balancing and spiritual direction, I’ll work alongside you to develop an integrated plan to achieve wholeness, healing and deep peace and joy. My unique and integrative approach combines the practices of prayer, meditation, sacred ritual, yoga, guided yoga nidra meditation, mindful eating, alchemy crystal bowl sound healing, Emotional Freedom Technique, integrative spirituality, inner child and memory healing, relationship healing, pastoral counseling, empowerment and life purpose coaching, stress and anxiety reduction, quantum energy healing, whole life balance and more. Together we create the plan that optimizes your well-being, wholeness and life goals. I look forward to supporting you.
How may I assist you? Please be in touch and let me know. I live in greater Houston and can support you locally in person. I also can work with you online from wherever you are, and am open to travel for workshops and retreats. I look forward to connecting with you.